Thursday, November 8, 2018

Vardi's "How We Lost the Women in Computing"

A bit old by now (May 2018), but  very relevant still.

Moshe Vardi is a  Professor of Computer Science at Rice University, United States, who specializes in Databases. He's also a long time friend. He just penned this for the Communications of the ACM Magazine, of which he was Editor-in-Chief for quite a few years.

Saturday, June 30, 2018

Women in Logic 2018!

This was the picture at the end of Women in Logic 2017 in Reykjavik, Iceland.
Now Women in Logic 2018 is about to start, exactly in a week's time.

The program is in

I have several questions. 

Is the workshop useful? 

Should we carry on organizing it?

If so, how should we do it?

I do not intend to be doing it for ever, so how  do we ensure a healthy "change of the guard"?

Should we always be associated with LiCS? I don't see why, but I do see why always associate it with a bigger conference. Which other bigger conferences does it make sense to pair with?

Other logic communities in Computer Science exist CSL, ETAPS, POPL, ITP,  etc comes to mind.  
What are the advantages and disadvantages? 

I am interested in everyone's response to these questions. Please do let me know your views.