Monday, June 17, 2019

By-Laws for Women in Logic: what and why

This is a preliminary proposal for discussion, suggested by Brigitte Pientka, Amy Felty, Alexandra Silva, and Valeria de Paiva. The proposal consists of bylaws and an initial description of how to organize Women in Logic.
The bylaws are inspired by PPDP(Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming
which is a SIGPLAN affiliated event.
The goals of the Workshop are inspired by the ones from Women in Machine Learning,
 simplifying a little their existing mission statement.

The next steps would be:
- Feedback and Discussion
- Invite everyone to the SC
- Discuss possible PC / GC chairs for WiL in 2020
- Discuss a possible location for WiL 2020
- Discuss possible format (if necessary)

Women in Logic (WIL)

WiL aims to provide a forum that brings together women working on logical foundations of computer science.
Our goal is to enhance the experience of women in logic and closely related areas, making achievements of women
in logic known to the community, and thereby increasing the number of women in logic. 
Our flagship event is the annual WiL Workshop.

WiL Symposium Bylaws

    WiL is an annual workshop.
    WiL is scheduled by a Steering Committee (SC) whose composition and function are specified in the next section.
    Each symposium has a Program Committee (PC) that is responsible for the scientific content of the program.
    Each symposium has a PC Chair that is responsible for the PC composition and cannot submit any paper.
    Each symposium has a General Chair that is responsible for the local organization, finances, publicity, and liaison 
with sponsors.
    WiL requests annually for in-cooperation status with the ACM SIGLOG.
    Modifications of these bylaws are submitted to the SC Chair and require the approval of the SC.

WiL Steering Committee (SC)

    The purpose of the SC is to ensure the long-term success of the WiL.
    The SC selects the location, date, PC and General Chairs of each symposium.
    PC and General Chair are just a useful fiction for co-chairs, who divide the work the best way they can.
    The SC consists of the PC and General Chairs of the last 3 symposia and one member of the SIGLOG 
executive committee.
    The SIGLOG representative is appointed by the chair of SIGLOG, subject to approval by the chair of the WiL 
steering committee, and ensures coordination between SIGLOG and other SIGLOG affiliated events; 
once every three years when the SIGLOG executive committee changes, the SIGLOG representative changes.
    The SC elects its own chair shortly after the end of each workshop.
    The decisions of the SC require at least 50% of the votes and a simple majority.

Initial Composition:

- Valeria de Paiva (Past WiL Chair)    (appointed until 2022)
- Amy Felty (Past WiL Chair)           (appointed until 2022)
- Alexandra Silva (SIGLOG Rep. and LMW liaison) (appointed until 2022)
- Catuscia Palamidessi                  (appointed until 2020)
- Claudia Nalon                         (appointed until 2020)
- Perdita Stevens                       (appointed until 2021)
- Brigitte Pientka                      (appointed until 2021)


  1. This looks like such an exciting initiative, but I have questions about the scope. The description says it's for women "working on logical foundations of computer science" -- but this is quite a bit narrower than "women in logic". Is there a reason for this narrow scope? If it's important to the composition of the group, then maybe the name of the group should be changed to reflect it?

    1. Thanks for catching this, Sara! you're right, this is a consequence of using the template. I will amend it to "for women working *mainly* on logical foundations of computer science", as SIGLOG is about logic for computer science. My personal inclinations are much wider and I really would like more collaboration with philosophical logicians, but the workshop is somewhat bound to LiCs and SIGLOG.
